CSA box


What is CSA?

CSA, or Community Supported Agriculture, is a model in which members pay up front for a portion, or share, of the season’s harvest. The farmer uses the funds to help cover the costs of growing the food, and, in return, the member receives a regular supply of produce throughout the season.

In the spirit of Community Supported Agriculture, the member is connected to the highs and lows of the farm. With their investment, members share the inherent risks associated with farming, as well as the potential rewards of a bountiful harvest.

Benefits of CSA?

CSAs help farmers by guaranteeing a market for our crops and providing cash flow to help cover the season’s growing expenses. Members benefit by enjoying a “share” full of high quality, fresh, healthy, local produce—becoming attuned to what can be grown seasonally in their region.

By purchasing directly from our farm, our members partner with us in becoming stewards of the land. They also invest in their local food system—and their local economy—and help our family farm and our employees thrive. Ultimately, members forge a relationship with the farmers who nourish their family, gaining a greater understanding of where their food comes from, how it’s grown, and what it takes to go from seed to plate.

“The Boldly Grown CSA is the best such program we have experienced, from the quality and variety of produce to the consistently strong communication (weekly emails and newsletters). Being able to visit the farm in the Fall and witness first-hand all of the thoughtful farming practices is a bonus.” 



How many people does one share feed?

This is tough for us to answer, as it depends on factors such as: 

  • the size of your household (adults/kids) 
  • how much you cook at home versus eat out 
  • if you incorporate vegetables into most of your meals 
  • if you have any vegetarians in your household (or alternatively, vegetable haters—we see you, toddlers!) 

Keep in mind our biweekly box essentially contains two weeks worth of veggies. If you do a weekly summer CSA worth $20-$30, we think you’ll be happy with our share. If you’re not sure, try pushing the boundaries of your produce consumption—we can all probably stand a few more veggies in our diet. Plus, the dark days of winter are a great time for cooking and trying new recipes! 

Do you offer a half share or mini-box? What about a larger share?

We don’t. We think a half share would miss out on too many of our great veggies. If you think a full share would be too much food, consider upping your veggie intake or sharing with a friend (see below!). We also provide a CSA handbook that contains tips on storing your veggies so they don’t go to waste!  

For those of you who can’t get enough veg, you can always sign up for multiple shares (and then consider splitting with a friend if needed).

Can I split a CSA box with a friend?

Yes! We’ve had members do this with success, and it can be a good option if you have dietary restrictions, as we don’t offer customized shares. Just keep in mind some items may not divide up easily, and sharing a box will be a bit more work on your end. We will need one person to be the primary contact, and you’ll need to divide up the items and coordinate payment amongst yourselves. 

Are the boxes customizable/what if I have dietary restrictions or really don’t like a certain vegetable?

We offer a traditional CSA model in which we share with you the bounty of the season. Our boxes are not customizable, but we work to ensure you receive a diversity of items. Although we don’t customize the basic box, we do offer add-on subscriptions for anyone wanting to round out their box with more local goodies (bread, cheese, mushrooms, etc.)!

Please note this is not just a vegetable CSA. Our shares include value-added and non-vegetable items—including beans, grains, popcorn, fermented products, dried chile powders/flakes, etc. These items are part of the share price and a big part of what makes our program unique. If you’re concerned about being able to eat all of the items in your box due to allergies or dietary restrictions, we encourage you to consider sharing a box with a friend.

One last note on box contents—our farm grows a lot of radicchio, and this crop features prominently in our winter boxes. It’s one of the only fresh greens we can grow in our winter climate, and it’s a versatile ingredient for both cooking and salads. We know not everyone is a fan of radicchio, but we encourage you to give it a try with one of the many recipes we’ll provide. Or, share it with your radicchio-loving friends!

Is all the produce from your farm?

For the most part, yes! Our program is a traditional CSA in the sense that we do not aggregate products from multiple farms. You are directly supporting our family farm with your participation in our CSA. There are certain crops we don’t currently grow that we still feel should be part of a winter CSA program in the PNW. We have partnered with other local farms to source these items in order to provide a more diverse share. 

Is all your produce organic?

Yes! We are certified organic by Oregon Tilth. Some products in 2024-2025 might be certified transitional organic. Any other produce we include from other local farms is also certified organic. If we plan to include anything that is not organic, we’ll let you know.

Do you accept SNAP/EBT?

Yes, though at this time, we can only accept SNAP/EBT for on-farm members because we have a card reader on site. We hope to expand this option to all our sites in the future!  

When and where do you deliver boxes? Can I host a drop site?

We have a range of drop sites in Seattle, Skagit and Whatcom. The most updated list can be found on our registration page, along with each drop site’s delivery day and pick-up window. 

And yes, we are open to adding new drop sites! We also do workplace CSA drops. New drop sites must have a minimum of 10 members, ideally with capacity for more. Contact us at [email protected] to find out more about becoming a drop site.

Is there a deadline for signing up?  

There’s no official registration deadline, though our software will cut off any new registrations the week before a delivery date. If there’s space available, we’ll accept sign-ups throughout the season at a prorated amount based on the remaining deliveries. Early registration reserves your spot and helps your farmers (that’s us) with our production expenses during the season.  

What happens if I’m going to be away?

Two scenarios here: 

  1. PRIOR TO REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT: Use the coupon code “MISSONE” to pro-rate your membership for one pre-planned absence/delivery date conflict, and make sure to set a vacation hold in your account for the date you’ll miss so we don’t pack you a box. You’re all set! 
  1. AFTER REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT: If you realize you’ll miss a delivery date, you have three options: 1) arrange for someone else to pick up your share, 2) receive a double share at a future pick-up date, 3) or donate the cost of your share to our financial aid fund! For the last two options, we ask that you notify us before we pack the CSA boxes for the week. For more details on managing absences, please refer to the CSA Member Agreement.

Unfortunately, we cannot offer alternate pick-up days as our weekly harvest and delivery schedule is already jam-packed.  

Oops – I registered, but now I can no longer participate. Can I get a refund?

We’ll consider refund requests on a case-by-case basis. See our Member Agreement for our refund policy. 

“Wonderful selection of beautiful fresh local veggies which is so appreciated during the cold dark days of winter. Many varieties were unique and new to me and some of the best I’ve had. I wholeheartedly recommend Boldly Grown; every CSA felt like an opening a treasure box!”


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